What's this all about?

I kept this blog going so that family and friends could follow the progress of my round-Britain voyage from 18 May to 5 October 2014.

Jojac is now back on her mooring in Teignmouth so there's nothing to report. I may do some updates when I start to repair the wear and tear from that trip - there are some things that will interest owners of similar boats, but will probably bore the pants off the rest of you.

If I am fortunate to be able to do another long trip next year, it will probably be to Holland - I'll let you know.

All the best, and thanks for your interest.


Saturday 20 September 2014

Some photos of Aberystwyth today. The town is till quite elegant; it has a universoty of 9,000 students and a resident population of 13,000, so that is a lot of income. This is the old university building,which is still in use although the main site is a little further out.

The sea front beyond the universty is a mix: an elegant prom:
And a bit of a tatty pier:
Which is probably one of the shortest in the world - more of a stump than a pier.
And a Pier Hotel which is no more. Cool trainers though (not for me though).
The town had a magnificent station but is now reduced to one working track, whilst the very elegant station buildings have been converted to a Wetherspoons.

The museum is housed in a lovely old theatre:
Although not everyone was that fussed:
On which note, I am off to my bunk as I need to catch the tide early tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I was devastated to see the dear old Pier Hotel in that run down state. I shall be informing my uni mates and there will be talk of clubbing together to save it. Just talk, of course. Now I will NEVER get my tank top or darts back..
