What's this all about?

I kept this blog going so that family and friends could follow the progress of my round-Britain voyage from 18 May to 5 October 2014.

Jojac is now back on her mooring in Teignmouth so there's nothing to report. I may do some updates when I start to repair the wear and tear from that trip - there are some things that will interest owners of similar boats, but will probably bore the pants off the rest of you.

If I am fortunate to be able to do another long trip next year, it will probably be to Holland - I'll let you know.

All the best, and thanks for your interest.


Sunday, 31 August 2014

We are in a place called Portavadie avoiding another gale warning. This place is entirely man-made but will become a leisure destination of choice for the moneyed set from Glasgow, I'm sure.  It will probably take a couple of liquidations before it is complete, but meanwhile 20 pounds a night for 5 star facilities isn't to  be sneezed at.

The Crinan canal was interesting. Very turbulent in the ascending locks. And one has to do it all by hand, apart from the sea locks which we are not to be trusted with. Janet worked hard! Off to the Island of Arran tommorrow.

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