What's this all about?

I kept this blog going so that family and friends could follow the progress of my round-Britain voyage from 18 May to 5 October 2014.

Jojac is now back on her mooring in Teignmouth so there's nothing to report. I may do some updates when I start to repair the wear and tear from that trip - there are some things that will interest owners of similar boats, but will probably bore the pants off the rest of you.

If I am fortunate to be able to do another long trip next year, it will probably be to Holland - I'll let you know.

All the best, and thanks for your interest.


Saturday, 23 August 2014

This is Dunstaffnage, just north of Oban. Looking at this you could be forgiven for thinking it's nice up here. It's not. It is freezing and has been blowing quite well today, and chucking in a few showers for good measure. They're predicting frost tonight. Janet tells me it is 21 degrees in Teignmouth.  And sunny. People are enjoying themselves at the river beach,  listening to live music outside the Ship, and generally having a good time. Here, people have been hudlled in shops where there are hot air blowers at the doors and children have been told to just shut up and make the best of it. Dogs have sought shelter under public benches, tangling their leads round the seat legs, which has been quite funny. Paticularly when the big alastian tried to eat the little scottie, but couldn't reach and nearly choked on his collar. Deserved it, too. Funnily enough, I didn't see a single cat. All tucked up in the warm, I expect. Might come back as a cat, if I'm allowed.

I hope I get the chance to do one of these long trips  again but next time I'm going south.  They might have decent wifi there too. I am standing on the top of the boat in a biting wind trying to get a signal. Who ever suggested a blog? Am I mad? Sadly, you can only comment if you are signed up to Google and have an account with them. Another erosion of personal freedom, but that's a subject for another blog and another time.

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